5 month old barely eating, not sleeping well


My 5 month old started to actually sleep ok about a month ago, up until last week. She was a horrible sleeper until 4 months old and I switched her to formula and she started sleeping 7 or 8 pm until 2am ish and taking 6 oz then sleeping until 9am!

A week ago she started waking every 2 hours and the last few nights she wakes every 3. Acting hungry!

In the day she is not taking as much as usual. Today she had 4 oz at 6am, 5 oz at 11am then I had to force 4 oz into her around 4pm, and at 6:30 pm she took 4 oz. she was asleep by 7:30 ish and woke at 10 and took another 6 oz.

She is not interested in eating during the day and has been puking on and off a lot more so her belly doesn’t seem to stay full long. I actually hear it growl and make noises lately.

She is active and happy otherwise.

I’m so tired and have no help as my boyfriend works 3am shifts and we have no family or friends around .

Any ideas ?

She’s 18.3 lbs and 28.3” long!!