Just need to vent


So I m 40 yrs old and I have my tubes tied in 2001 decided to have a reversal in 2012 and I was lucky to have a Baby girl in October 2013 now since I have one tube and I m sure it’s scarred up by then and closed I can’t seem to get pregnant. I just want one more and it won’t happen. There’s months idc and then there’s months I care and try. I try talking to my hubby about it but he’s just seems like he doesn’t care when I vent about it. Can’t talk to my family about it cuz they all think I m crazy for wanting another one at my age. I ve done one <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> and it failed. I m so emotional 😭 sorry guys I know y’all woman can be supportive thanks in advance for reading this (ok vent over)