My induction birth

I'm a ftm and went in for my induction on Monday morning at 8 in the morning. Had to get induced due to not progress was stuck at 1cm and 50% effaced for a month. When I got to the hospital they inserted a pill in me to help me thin out. After three hours that got me to 75% effaced and it help dilated me too to 2cm. After those three hours they inserted another pill and after about three hours that got me to 100% effaced but I was still at 2cm. So what they did next was break my water and insert a balloon to help me dilate (both of that hurt soo bad!!) once they broke the water they started me up on Pitocin. I was having steady contractions that were two minutes apart. They came in to check on my balloon to see if I dilated anymore and I did it got me to 4cm finally so the dr took it out this was around 1030 pm. Around 1200am I got woken up by two nurse running in and making me change position in the bed be his heart rate went down to the 70s. They tried for about 8 mins to get it back up but it was coming back up so they I had to get a emergency c section which is were they put me complete out. Our baby boy Ethan was born at 1249am weighed 8pounds 10oz and 21 inches long. The crazy thing is they could never figure out why his heart rate went that low. He is in great health and a very good baby. We are so blessed!