She’s here!!11/4/19

Chelcie • 28. Mum to 2 girls 🫶🏼 UK

Came in to hospital at 9am on the 9th...

Ended up staying in with high BP and a funny turn to new tablets ...

so my Induction began on 9/4/19 at 17.45

•My 23rd birthday on the 10th!!

•Baby Lillie was born on 11/4/19 at 13:57.

Weighing 4lb 15oz.

At 37+1 weeks due to preeclampsia.

Baby is now in intensive care but being looked after well. I’m being kept in again for more monitoring.

I only had a small cut, now I’m trying to get my kidneys working as I’m off the catheter!

P.S- epidural is amazing stuff 👌🏼 planned on going without it but the contractions were unbearable!!!

Surprised by the team on my bday!

Holding Lillie once she was born!

Next time I saw her was in special care

Me and dad are so proud. Xxxx