Waters going or wee? Possible tmi

Tmi. Sorry! How would I know if I've just wet myself or my waters have gone?? I've just come to the loo and my underwear is drenched, but I wasn't aware of doing anything!? Just felt a bit damp when coming up the stairs. I have been leaking fluid for a while but I've just presumed it's urine. I'm 38+1 weeks.
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I had no huge gush with either pregnancies but there is quite a bit of watery discharge near the end.  The waters come out faster than a slow leak of urine/discharge but slower than your pee and it continues gush a little bit when you move but there is still enough that comes out that you will know that it's your waters.  I was told to take a bath at the hospital for dilation and I was worried I wouldn't know if it broke especially if it's clear.  The nurse told me that you will know for sure.  Only in rare cases does it come out so slow you don't notice. They still suggest that you get checked to see if I was your waters just in case.


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I'd call to get it checked. I'd assumed mine was increased discharge (watery, periodic leaking, wet spots in underwear but no huge 'gush' ) but it was actually broken waters. I should have brought my bag because they admitted me on the spot after testing and induced due to risk of infection when waters are broken for a few days without delivery. Good luck! 


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I had the same experience on my due date last Friday. My waters had broke. 😊 I had a trickle for about 8 hours and then I soaked a maternity pad every 20 minutes. 


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I peed on myself twice the other day and thought the same thing at first. Lol. It just happened randomly and has never happened before. I was just standing still talking to my mother and felt fluid start running out of me. I ran to the toilet and sat down and kept peeing. Lol. But definitely did not know it was pee at first. Then the same happened again about 20 minutes later!


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Lol I'm literally headed in to get checked for the same reason. Can't tell with out the swab test!