
Jen • Mother of 3, expecting in January 2020

Hope this is okay to post here..... My boyfriend & I got a faint positive this morning, super faint but it was there! He even seen it. But I talk to my "friends" about it and all they tell me is "oh its too early to test"... Umm...isn't that why you buy the first response? And one said " well the meds (depression/anxiety)you are on will make you miscarry" ....okay for one I was on the same meds for 9 years and my kids are 5&7, they switched my meds about 6 weeks into my pregnancies, my son has autism and she thinks that's what caused it, hell anything these days they say cause autism. But my daughter is fine. So I feel like I have no support, I know they don't want to give my hopes up, but come on, I think it's clear as day, they act like I did something wrong, that I shouldn't be pregnant.

But anyway, thanks for letting me rant!

And to add...I have a doc appt at 1 today, I'm 10dpo,(i am 3 weeks 6 days pregnant, if I am) and the soonest I see the doc the better, especially for my meds.