Come on girls let’s hear your story! 🥰


Met My Child’s Father At Age: 18 (Aug 15, 2015

Married child’s father at age: 20 (June 10, 2017)

Age I got pregnant🤰: 20

Age I gave birth 🍼: 21

Due date : December 7, 2018

Day I gave birth : December 3, 2018

Pushing time : about an hour

Pain Relief 💊 : Epidural

Stitches 💉 : Yes

Time in labor ⏱ : 20hrs

Vaginal or C-section 🏨 : Vaginal

Time 🕧 : 11:40pm

Weight ⚓️ : 8lbs 0oz

Gender : Girl

Name : Jolene Marie

Add a photo of them first born and now ♥️