Too high of expectations... 🤦


I knew being induced , plus me being a first time mom could mean labor will take awhile but I think I had my expectations to high because I was already dialated to a 2 . I got here at 4am starting pitocin at 5ish .. I got the epidural around 10:30ish ..( I feel like maybe I got the epidural too soon ) and around 12-1 ish my doctor broke my water and I was at a 4 , at 3pm I was told I was between 5 or 6 cm . So I'm very happy I'm progressing and everything is going smoothly even if it's taking longer than I expected , I'm just SUPER tired and Super hungry and really wanna have my daughter some time tonight 💞🤷👣 sorry to rant just excited to tell someone about my experience so far !