My miracle baby is a cry baby☹


I love my babies so much but sometimes I feel like such a horrible mother! I know most of you ladies are ttc and I wish you guys the best of luck. I was there in your shoes. And I also miscarried, and I thank God every day for allowing me to have a beautiful healthy baby girl. But this is my thing, she is 8 months now and still not sleeping through the night (I know its probably too soon or not every baby is the same) she is crawling and standing up everywhere but she just follows me and crys to be held. And when she stands shes scared that shes gonna fall (because shes fallen before unfortunately) and crys because she wants to sit but still doesnt know how. She only has 2 teeth and I dont know if it's her teeth that are bothering her or not, point is she is crying almost the whole day and she is getting on my last nerve. I feel horrible saying that but omg I cant hold her all day! I have a husband and 2 boys to feed. I dont know what to give her or do to her anymore I've given her things to try and soothe her teething process and I've tried the carrier and it's not enough for her. My patience is at its whits end I cry at night because I sometimes yell at her to just be quiet. When I put her to sleep at night I just carry her and stare at her and ask for forgiveness. I dont need judgement guys, I beat myself up every day, I chose to have another child, I have the responsibility of being patient with her, I need to calm down and not lose my temper, it's not her fault for what ever way she feels and it's her way of expressing herself. What can I do? Please help. Any input to help me deal through this stage is very welcomed. I've never dealt with this with my boys and having waited 10 years has me out of practice. I dont know how to deal with this! ☹😔😓