A real night of sleep!


Celebrating a win over here: my son will be 5 months on the 17th and he just slept 9 hours before his first night feeding! (7pm - 4am)😳🎉🎉🎉

He typically woke up 3-4 times at night to eat and we started sleep training and night weaning a few weeks ago and maybe it’s a fluke, but something worked tonight!

He’s slowly been sleeping longer and longer but stayed at a midnight feed and 5 am feed for the last week. This already was a huge improvement so I wasn’t pushing too much harder since he also just got a cold, but maybe something clicked tonight! Either way I’ll take it.

I’ve seen so many posts lately about mamas waking up soo many times each night. I know every baby is different but good sleep must be taught, it’s not innate, and it’s worth trying for everyone’s sanity!

There are so many resources and methods that it’s easy to find something that works for you. For me it was skimming the book “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby,” and combining that info with @dreambabysleep that I follow on Instagram (and they answer your questions for free on Fridays!)

It’s not easy and I don’t expect this every night but after my first real night of sleep in months, it’s so worth it!