So much uncertainty 😒


I’m almost 35 weeks and I spent a couple nights in the hospital on magnesium and getting steroid shots for baby’s lungs because my bp was high and I was having contractions. Then they did an ultrasound at the hospital that showed baby was measuring tiny which I do not believe at all. I’ve had a normal pregnancy until now and was induced at 39 weeks last pregnancy for high bp but had a completely healthy baby over 7lbs. So we’re having another ultrasound Tuesday to check her weight and size again and then they’ll reconsider the 2x week NSTs. But then they said they might still talk about induction sooner than later due to my bp. I’m just really confused about all the different things going on, I’m already about 80% effaced and 2cm and just feel like I could go into labor anytime now. Can’t wait until Tuesday to get a clearer picture of what’s going on because stressing about her being “6th percentile” small hasn’t helped me keep my bp down at all.