Financial problem - broke college student

Hi guys. I would like to have some advice!

I am a freshman college student and live at home. I pay for half of my tuition and my dad pays for the other half. I work a part-time job and is going well. About a couple month ago, I had a breakdown because I realized how stressful having to do both my job and my schoolwork. I have tons of time but all I can do is stress about how much money I have to make by the end of August this year. My boss cut some hours for me because I kept calling out due to mental health and too many people working in a day. I’ve been working in the same job for three years now and I am sick of it. So I started job hunting, but I have no luck. Everything seems like a disaster to me, I have to start over again and it sounds like it sucks.

Then, two weeks ago my car stopped working. I had to get it fixed for $600. I had $100 left in my bank account. My phone screen broke so I got if fixed for $85. I spent the last money for gas and I just realized I have to get my car oil changed for about $30. My parents seem to refuse to lend me any more money (I owe them $500, they helped me get my car fixed) and I do not blame them.

I am still job hunting and I need a seasonal/summer full time job to save for tuition next semester. I really am thinking on not going to school next semester because I need money.. It’s hard to focus on both school and money problems because it’s just too complicated and it stresses me out.

Do you guys have any advice?