Struggling with this bump


I am struggling so bad with this bump. I am absolutely huge and there is only 1 in there.

33 weeks. I’m 5ft 4 and was a size 8/10 before. It’s not the actual weight gain at all. The belly is so big everything is an effort. I’m so tired. I could cry every day. I lose my breath walking into another room.

I don’t see my midwife until a week on Tuesday. I don’t know how I’m going to go another 7 weeks like this.

I can’t sleep properly or get comfy. I wake myself up snoring. Even when I lay on my side.

Crying as I’m typing. This is our rainbow baby and I am so grateful to have life inside of me. My son is 7 so bit of an age gap

Any coping mechanisms or tips would be amazing?

I try to do my affirmations every day and I think I’d go mental if I didn’t do those.

Feel for you ladies who carry twins xxx