How to break up when I'm scared to be alone

I'm in a relationship. We've been together for 3 years now, we live together as well but everyday I regret the day we met. We fight constantly. He makes me unhappy and we both want completely different things. He doesn't care about our future together or even spending time with me. All he cares about is making a bunch of friends and spending time with them. He never wants to do things with me but when his coworkers or friends invite him out he immediately wants to go. When I ask him to do things together he gets mad. He spends more time playing games then he does talking to me. I dont want to be with him but I dont know how to leave when we live together. I'm only with him because I'm scared to be alone. I have no place to go. No friends, my family doesn't have the room. Today I went to the hospital and was in so much pain I thought I was going to die and the entire time he was on his phone texting his friends. He wouldnt talk to me, wouldnt comfort me. He freaked out and even went psycho and destroyed the entire room when we got home because I asked he spend time with me instead of playing games with his friends for the night. I dont know what to do.