Ex Question!

So my ex and I have been split up for almost a year, he’s gotten back with his toxic ex and split up twice within this time, each time he walks back into my life, but remains like a ghost. The first time he came back in my life after we split, he wanted to hang out with me and a couple friends but that was only once, now being the second time, he’ll make agreements to hang out with me and even make ideas, but never follows through. He knows we’re friends and he says he cares, but he for some reason gets scared of seeing me and backs out. There have been multiple occasions at which he’s done this, the most recent one being my birthday which was three days ago.

My question to you all is, why would a guy you used to be with who should be over you since that’s what he’s making it seem like be scared to see you?

I should probably mention that the day he ended things with me, he told me he loved me and used that as a partial reason to end but i’m not so sure that’s relevant, more so just allowing you to see the immaturity.