I wish...

People cared/made a big deal about my birthday.

I go out of my way to make others feel special and happy on theirs, but when mine comes up it's just another day. I've planned surprise parties and everything. For me? I don't even get gifts. After about 10 years of trying to plan my own parties and such I just pretend it doesn't exist like everyone else. This year I'll be having dinner with my mom, in laws and a very few female friends but it's more of a "last hoorah" than a celebration of me because the next morning I'll be going in to have a scheduled repeat c-section. (Which of course, I had to plan on my own because -surprise- nobody else thinks of my birthday!)

My sister (who is actually a really selfish person) has people giving her gifts and taking her to things the entire month. What do I get? Maaaybe a Facebook "happy bday."

Oh well I guess.