Period after miscarriage


I know it takes time for your body to re regulate. I was 5 weeks exactly qhen i miscarried. My levels dropped fast. I literally tested negative three days after it. It started march 9th and i bled until the 19th. I have no idea if i did or when i may have ovulated after. I know on april 6th i took a pregnancy test and an opk. The opk was dark but not as dark as the ither so i assume my surge started the day or night before. Pregnancy test obviously negative. I normally have a 30-31 day cycle. Like i said before I understand miscarriage can throw it off. So here I am 5 weeks and 1 day post miscarriage and my period still isnt here. I thought i had a faint line this morning but im pretty sure im just seeing things.i dont need any advice, Im so aggravated at this point. Just come on already!!!!