Brown spotting 9 dpo, 10dpo, 11 dpo


We have been trying to conceive since July 2018. I had a miscarriage in September and an ectopic in December requiring methotrexate. This is our second cycle trying after the ectopic and I’ve had light only when I wipe spotting since Friday night. My cycle last month was a little off I’m usually 28 days on the nose but last month was 30 days. And I ovulated on cycle Day 15 this cycle according to ovulation test strips. Is it possible to have implantation bleeding over the course of 3 days? I had it with my first pregnancy but I only remember it being for maybe 24 hours total. I tested this morning, BFN.

With everything that has happened in the last 6months, I’m becoming really discouraged. Does anybody have any advice or insight?