How Do I Do This?😩


I am thrilled because my husband and I just found out we are pregnant with our second child! We had to TTC around his deployment schedule and honestly feel so blessed that it took less that a year.😅

BUT, my sister suffered a miscarriage with her first pregnancy in November 2018. I was there with her and saw how horribly sad she was, and she still is sometimes. She still isn’t pregnant again either.

So how in the world do I tell her I’m pregnant now? I want to be sensitive to her feelings but I also want to celebrate and enjoy my pregnancy. I have no close friends aside from my husband so my sister is really the only person I can share this with.☹️

I’m still early in the first trimester so I have time before I even want to announce, but this is weighing heavily on me. Any advice you ladies can give me would be so so appreciated, especially if you’ve ever been in my shoes or my sisters shoes. Please help.😩