In the verge of a break down

I’m nearly 38 weeks and this entire pregnancy has been hell.

From food aversions, morning sickness, a super sensitive nose, random gagging, headaches, mood swings, depression, anxiety, excessive weight gain, and now just this last week exhaustion has hit me. I feel more exhausted than I did after 36 hours of labor with my first. It’s ridiculous. I don’t know how much more I can take. I know it’s best for baby to stay in so obviously that’s what I’m doing but I dream of just going into labor any day now. I’d rather have a fussy newborn on my breast than to be pregnant at the moment. I am just drained. I’m scared of labor because I’m not even well rested, haven’t even packed my bag or baby’s, car seat is half way installed. I’m thankful to be able to experience this but it’s really sucking the life out of me. I want to just cry from everything. I have all of these labor symptoms and nothing so I think that’s giving me false hope as well. But I feel so useless. My son is probably wondering my mom is couch bound, has no patience, and is just not the same mommy anymore. The sad part is I could have 3 more weeks of this too.