She is here!


Sadie Grace was born on her due date 9/13 at 3:54pm 7lbs 4.6oz 19in long.

Early on in my pregnancy we found out that my platelet count was low and if it continued to drop I may not be able to have an epidural. Of course with my luck that was the case, I was so scared of the pain I was going to go through and so worried if there was a complication and I needed to have a cs I would have go under general. It's amazing what the body can do and what we are able to endure. I am now greatful I did not have the epidural, I was able to be up and mobile while I labored and was even able to go in the jacuzzi for about 45 min which got me through those last 3 centimeters. Now if only the breastfeeding would go as smoothly as birth lol!