Theo is here five days early!

My little boy Theodore Frederick is here! 
I lost my mucous plug Friday night. Started having contractions Sunday nightly five minutes apart around 11:00. By 1:00 AM they were getting worse and were two minutes apart and lasting almost a minute. Arrived at the hospital at 4;00 AM and was at a three. They gave me my epidural an hour later and it took away all the pain! Around 12:00 PM I started feeling pressure and they broke my water when I was at an eight. After that the pressure got way worse and by 1:00 I told them that I needed to push. Sure enough I was a ten. It felt horrible even with the epi. Unbelievable pressure. I felt like I couldn't do it but somehow I pushed him out in 30 minutes. He got stuck at his shoulders so they had to push down on my pelvis and yank on him. It hurt so bad! I tore second degree on my perineum and also a little at the top part of my vagina. If no one ever told you, yes, it hurts when they stitch you and when they pull out the placenta! 
Anyway my husband saw the whole thing even though that wasn't the plan. He told me he could not believe how much I could stretch and it looked impossible. He said he could never have done that in a million years. I think because he saw everything he has not had a problem helping me with every little thing. It was so sweet seeing him cry when he saw our little boy for the first time! It was worth it but I'm pretty sure little Theo will be and only child!