Anyone else dread getting on the scale at appointments??

🌻Rachel🌻 • Been married since March 2013. Miscarriage on 1/30/15 at 12 weeks 👼🏻🕊 Haven Elisabeth 🌺 (July 6, 2016) Hogan Andrew 🍄 (July 21, 2017) PCOS and Endometriosis 👎👎 BFP: 05/29/18, edd: 02/07/19. 🌹 Chemical 💔 BFP: 09/13/18, edd: 05/24/19 🍀

I find myself dreading my appointments because of having to get on the scale, especially since, after my next one on Tuesday, I’ll be having weekly appointments. Overall, I feel pretty good about my body most days, and can accept that the number on the scale is just a number on the scale. But when I see I’ve gained 6 pounds in 2 weeks (happened at one of my previous appointments), I want to throw myself off a bridge, lol. It’s just a mental struggle lol.

In the end, I am blessed from this pregnancy, and I just tell myself I’ll have time to get my mom bod back into better shape after this baby 💪🏻.