My friends with benefits has been avoiding me, should I call him out?

Im in college and I was set up with a guy at a party right after I got out of a relationship. At the party, he was really into me. We talked for a good portion of the night and made out a little and he also walked me home. I made it clear I didn’t want to hook up but he told me he didn’t care.

The next week we saw each other at a party again and we ended up hooking up twice that weekend. Both nights seemed really good and we talked more. I learned he also recently got out of a relationship.

After that things got a bit weird. He was really into me at a party but he had some friend drama and kinda pushed me off. We ended up not seeing each other that weekend. He would barely text me too so I thought I was a one time hookup and felt a little hurt.

He then later came to a party knowing I was there and we talked and we established that neither of us wanted a relationship but friends with benefits was ok. At the party he seemed weird when I would kiss him in front of others so I backed off. That night he we did some minor stuff together but he said I couldn’t come back to his apartment to hook up since friends were there.

Now after another weekend of him being busy and us not seeing each other, I went out with another guy. I wasn’t ever exclusive so it didn’t seem like a big deal. My FwB called me to his place which he hadn’t done before and said he knew about it and almost seemed jealous. He said it wasn’t a problem though. We did some minor stuff but no hooking up again.

Fast forward to this weekend and I saw him at a party again. I thought we weren’t distant anymore since he called me over but he was avoiding me. I asked him about it and he told me he didn’t want to be seen with me at parties because we wanted to meet other people. In the middle of our conversation, he ran off saying he would be back but never did. I saw him talking to another girl for the rest of the night.

To be honest I felt hurt. I felt rejected since I kept expressing interest in him but even though he says he wants to hook up we never do and at parties he doesn’t even want to talk with me.

One of his friends said that he thought he actually liked me but after he ditched me he said he didn’t know anymore. My friend told me that I want him so bad since it feels like I can’t have him.

I don’t know what to do anymore because I don’t want loose ends before I leave for summer break. I don’t know if I should ignore him to see if he reaches out or if I should reach out and just end whatever is between us. He keeps telling me he is working out what he wants which I don’t know what that means. I do think he is a good guy I just know I could be treated better by other people.