Am I wrong for being upset?

This is long so bear with me... Here’s a little back story: My husband is a power lineman. Last week he was sent out of state on storm recovery. It happens rather frequently. The day he left, he got a call that his uncle passed away. They weren’t close, but he was pretty upset, as he didn’t think he’d be back from storm to attend the visitation and funeral and couldn’t come back early. I only met his uncle twice, but told him I would still go by myself so that at least one of us was able to be there. The next day, my grandma passed away. It was just a bad week.

Well...storm recovery wound up not taking as long as expected, so my husband returned late yesterday afternoon. He was exhausted, as he always is, so I had clean sheets on the bed for him to take a nap. Dinner was ready when he woke up. During dinner we were discussing visitation and funeral times. His uncles funeral is Tuesday, my grandma’s is Wednesday. He normally works about an hour away, so only taking off a couple hours isn’t an option. He tells me that with the expenses we’ve had come up recently, he doesn’t think he should take both days off (he doesn’t get bereavement or PTO in the field he’s in...that’s pretty standard). He said taking time off pretty much cancels out the overtime he worked on storm. I was kind of hurt, but understood where he was coming from. He never met my grandma and would only be there for me. However...towards the end of dinner he’s talking about how exhausted he is still from working on storm and says he’s going to take Monday (today) off because he has to leave early for his uncle’s visitation anyway. This strikes a chord with me... So he can take a day off because he’s tired and that’s completely fine, but he wouldn’t take Wednesday off to be there for me at my grandma’s funeral? I made it clear that I’m upset but he obviously did not understand and just kept saying how he had never met my grandma and we have a lot of things to pay for. I explained I only saw his uncle twice and was going to go to his funeral alone to support my husband and his family but he couldn’t go with me. I was angry. And I still am. Does this seem justified or am I just overreacting?