I cannot believe him

I cheated 11 months ago, ended the affair immediatly

We decided to work through it

So, this Saturday we got the towns annual egg hunt, we do it every year. We took the kids, me my brother, his wife and their 2 kids

100's were there

Everyone had fun.

I was scoping the one area to see my niece hunt eggs for the first time, but with so many little ones I did not see her.

Than, it was time for my kids to hunt for eggs so I was looking at my kids hunt, gather candy filled eggs.


The next day my husband was all you know Josh was there

I said excuse me?

He said at the egg hunt

I said Ok?? I don't care

He said you only went and lied about wanting to watch your niece gather eggs

I said I was there for my fucking family, not there to scope for the man I had an affair with 11 months ago.

He said you had to of seen him

I said honestly? No, I was there focused on the people I came with my family. There were hundreds there and I never noticed him You know I don't notice anyone out in public, until you pin point them out, because i don't pay attention. We do the egg hunt yearly nevemind..this is stupid

He goes see your pissed, thats an admission of guilt

I said I was calm in the begining of this whole thing, this is my family you are talking about you are saying i am lying about being there for my family...ya I am pissed

Unlike you when I called you out for possibly cheating you instantly got pissed and pointing your finger at me, you never were calm during those accusations...so whos the one with the admission of guilt? YOU