Pacifier debate


My lo hasn’t really used a pacifier since she was like 3-4 months old (she’s 7 now) We would try and give to her when she cried or went to sleep but she never wanted, so we stopped offering.

Everytime we visit my in-laws with the baby, my mother in-law always questions me why she can’t have a pacifier. I tell her she never wanted it and now that she’s 7 months old I’m not going to offer now. She goes “why not” I finally just said “cause I don’t want to”

It’s not that I never offered her one, she didn’t want it! I’m just annoyed that she always questions what I’m doing. 😏

Am I wrong for not offering her a pacifier still? I think it’s too late and I don’t want to have to bribe my child later on to try and take away. I feel like she thinks I’m being mean or something!