i can’t tell if he’s serious about marrying me 🤦🏻‍♀️


brace up, this’ll be long... so my boyfriend and i have been together for about a year and a half now. we’re young (19) but i do feel totally confident that he’s the one i want to marry one day, maybe around age 22. ya know so we can at least legally drink at (and pay for!!) our own wedding 😂😂 well, last month he swore in to the navy. he’s leaving for bct in july so we’re spending as much time together as possible before then. we both know we want to marry each other and spend our lives together, but it’s been coming up more and more often. like this: (ps he answers “yes” to questions that aren’t yes or no lol i hate it but it’s just a quirk he has if you’re confused)

it’s like.. he’s kind of joking but also i’m not sure if he is?? lol. and since he’s joining the military there are even more reasons for us to get married- help me with healthcare, i could move wherever he has to, not to mention the bonus $$$ he’ll get just for being married. that’s a lot of the reason why he wanted to join too; he thought it would be the best way to set us up financially and give us a great boost when settling in together as a young couple. our families don’t have money, his can’t even afford a college education for him so this way he can work to give us a good cushion while still getting his school and training paid for so he could get a good job right out of the navy too. i know i’m so young, but now i’m thinking more and more about maybe getting married to him, keeping it under wraps for awhile, then having a big wedding and all that in a few years. my family isn’t very supportive so i wouldn’t tell them, but his family loves me and has totally embraced me as one of their own- they believe that we’re really in it for the long haul while my family doesn’t. i don’t know if i’m looking for answers or advice or maybe just ranting or wondering how old any of you were when you got married and how it worked out?? big kudos to you if you even read this far, thanks!