40 weeks and 4 days

chayanne • 3/31/19 💖

I gave birth to my beautiful daughter on 3/31/2019 and my due date was 3/27/2019, I ended up going to the hospital because I had chest pains and I was having contractions. When the drs checked me I was only 2 cm dilated, but they had noticed that my blood pressure was high and the baby had low fluid so they kept me there. My labor was 18 hrs long (first baby & first pregnancy). On Saturday afternoon the 30th, the drs were telling me that I was not having contractions but I really was (the machine had been messed up). The drs has to break my waters and put an internal device to track my contractions. After they had broken my waters I asked for an epidural because the contractions hurt so bad (not to mention I already had an induction). I gave birth to her at 1:14 AM and she was 6 lbs 15 oz. She is now a 15 day old baby 🥰 Meet Melody Chanel Alicea