Someone is interested in me???

So my friend hit me up last night, asking if I wanted to join her, a mutual guy friend, and his friends at his house to play games and go out to eat. Seems pretty normal right? Until she starts dropping hints that one of the boys going (I know him, but not too well) is interested in me and wants to get to know me more. Well, I'm kinda super nervous now and I don't know what to do about it. Like I do think I want a boyfriend again, but I just really suck at relationships.

I also have two new zits, one on my chin and one on my neck, so I'm a bit worried about that too. I know guys don't usually see zits as a big deal since everyone gets them, but I'm still pretty self conscious and I really wanna make a good first impression. Do you guys have any tips on.. ya know, not screwing everything up?