He keeps saying he loves me

Every time my ex comes to see our kids he tells me loves me and sometimes he’ll even say he misses me. I never say it back . I just tell him okay. And sometimes he’ll kiss me against my will even though I tell him not to he never listens . But i don’t completely feel like it’s sexual assault because i still love him( I’m trying to get over him ) .

He was very unfaithful to me in our 2 years being together. He cheated and talked to many girls non stop. Its been a half a year since we broke up and our babies are so small . Both under 2. I think he has a girlfriend or someone he’s just talking to seriously. Is he trying to get inside my head? Its so confusing how he keeps kissing me and saying he loves me. Why would a man do this? My hormones are out of wack im going through postpartum baby blues so I’ve been so sensitive and crying about everything