My birth story 02-04-19

Kenzey • Married 10-29-2016. Rainbow baby Topher born 02-04-2019. Fur Baby Luna born 08-30-2014. 👨🏼‍🔧🤱🏼👶🐶

I found out I was pregnant with my rainbow baby in June of 2018. I first saw him and his beating heart in July. In October, I was diagnosed with fetus diabetus. In November, he was diagnosed with asymmetrical iugr. His belly appeared to be growth restricted. My OB decided to induce me at 38 weeks and 3 days because of this. He was estimated to be 6 pounds. On February 4th, I was admitted for induction. At 7:30 am my doctor broke my water and I was at 4 cm. Baby boy was coming with or without pitocin.

They started the pitocin when my OB broke my water, and I immediately felt the most intense back pain. At 9 am I broke and asked for an epidural. The contractions had been less than a minute apart the whole time. At 9:20 my epidural was given. At 9:40 I was still in extreme pain. I never felt an ordinary contraction, but my back was on fire. I just gripped my bed and moaned for the next hour. At 10:45 it was discovered that my tube fell out, so I hadn't gotten any medicine through the epidural. I told my nurse that I needed to poop and I wanted a c-section because I couldn't hack the pain. She said no she was going to check and see how far I was. 8 cm dilated. I told her I needed to push, but she told me to wait. She called my OB to come and called the delivery people to come in and set up. The rest is a blur.

At 11, I couldn't not push. My nurse told me not to because she could feel my sons head and my OB wasn't there, but I HAD to. She held him inside of me while I pushed every minute. At 11:19 my OB still hadn't arrived, but my nurse was still holding my son inside of me. She had called my OB 3 times to check on when he would be there. My doctor walked in finally and suited up so fast. As soon as he got to me, he told me to push. It took 4 pushes for my son to fully enter the world at 11:25am. My labor was an intense and incredibly painful 3 hours and 55 minutes.

Topher weighed 7 lbs and 2 oz. 21 inches long. He wasn't IUGR after all! However, my placenta has begun to calcify. He might not have made it if we didn't induce when we did. This is my rainbow Topher. I made him!