My brother is autistic...

My brother is autistic and it’s been really hard for me since I was young. I’m twenty now, in elementary school my parents were getting divorced I was in about 4th or 5th grade. It was my responsibility to take them home from school, my brother hardly ever listened and I would get frustrated and yell at him. At home there were so many issues and the last thing I wanted to deal with was him, my teachers began to tell my mom that I’m mean to him. My mom would try to talk to me but i don’t think she understood the pressure i was feeling considering my parents were breaking up, I’m trying to deal with him, i don’t know what to do and at 10-11 how do you explain your brother has special needs? It was really tough. Getting older, things got worse. Things were even harder, I was still dealing with the aftermath of my parents divorce. And my brother was still really hard to deal with, and i wasn’t the best big sister to him.. i was mean and didn’t want to deal with certain things anymore. It’s not right but growing up with that is really hard... it’s hard to like my brother to be quite honest. My mom has dealt with him and trying to get him help all his life and did it alone. Growing up with a sibling with autism isn’t easy. I know he feels I’ve been mean to him forever. I have. My mom told me, and i told her it’s too hard and i don’t wanna deal with it. She got really mad at me and said she wanted to say hurtful things to me but didn’t and i told her she should. I don’t know that I’m a nice person. I tried really hard growing up to keep my grades up, clean, round my siblings up, and even try to keep my parents together. It’s hard living with someone who has autism and to make matters worse my dad is too. I’ve said horrible things, and I wish i didn’t say them i don’t think anyone understands the pressure i always feel I’m under