Rant time

Here most of us who are ttc and haven't been successful yet🤞.

And this week alone, I've heard 3 stories about girls who are pregnant in my town.

Girl 1. She wasn't on birth control and had sex 1 time, and bam! She is pregnant. And she still says omg it was like 1 time how is that possible.

Girl 2. Also not on birth control, and having frequent sex with multiple men, bam falls pregnant, she is in tears, asking, how, how, how. I'm like girl "unprotected sex = babies" what did you expect to have sex and find out oh we are having a puppy?

Girl 3. On birth control, but it failed now she is 3-4 months pregnant, I understand it wasn't planned but she keeps saying how she hates this baby already.

I'm frustrated that I'm trying so hard ttc, and here are these young girls (did I mention all 3 are under 20 and 1 is still in school), falling pregnant like it's a fashion statement.