Talking to another girl 🤬


Since a few weeks ago I have noticed my husband very suspicious when he is on his phone every time I get near he turns it off or kinda hides it and today while I was getting ready I saw that he picked his phone up and Turned towards me and puts it back down I was behind him and I go and hide behind a door looking thru the crack he turns around again opens it sends a message an quickly puts it down so I was like hmmm... a while ago I log into my t mobile account to check the numbers he had messaged and I saw he was texting this number a lot so I saved it into my contact check WhatsApp and it’s a girl 🤔 so I immediately confront him about it and he is like it’s a friend and I’m like ok show me the messages and he is like no I don’t need to show you it’s a friend look at the last message and yes the last message he sent to her was good night friend and she said the same but still he didn’t want to show me and I went to grab his phone and he grabbed my hand and said I’m not showing you so I told him if he has to hide things from me then I think it’s better that he is single and he responded to me that if I want to go then I can leave and be happy so I got up and I was like.. last chance you show me or this is it and he said no. So I slammed the door and came to sleep in the living room.

I’m going to pack my things tomorrow and leave to my parents.. this is not the first time I’ve caught him doing that and yes I should have left the first time but I’m done with him I have done everything for him and he pays me back with that, we’ve only been married for a year and 3 months so if that is what he is doing now I can only imagine in 5 years.. I’m furious right now because when I was gone (went to practice on my skills for my CNA test on Wednesday) he did not text me at all but he was texting her... I was crying but then I realized that I don’t need to cry because what comes around goes around and he will see that no other girl will do everything I didn’t for him.. so I’m DONE I need to focus on me and only me. I’m doing my prerequisites to get into a RN program, so without him I can be more focused on my future!

I needed to get this off my chest to feel better!