Surprise gender rainbow baby water birth!


After weeks of prodromal labor, I woke up at 3:15am on my due date in full blown labor. We got to the birth center at 4:15am and our sweet baby was born into the tub at 5:55AM!

So incredibly proud of myself and my body for birthing this incredible baby. She was compound presenting which means her fist was up at her head so I had to push out her head and fist/arm all together! Even so I only had one tear in between a first and second degree.

I know an unmedicated birth is not for everyone, but I think every mother should at least consider it if she is able. My firstborn was a hospital birth with an epidural and it was very traumatic. This time I felt in control of my birth, my body pushed on its own when it was ready (drastically different from coached pushing!) and even though this baby was almost a full pound heavier AND had her fist by her face, I had significantly less tearing. Recovery has been easier so far as well.

We kept the gender a surprise and I am so happy she’s a girl! I wanted a girl so badly and obviously would have loved a boy, but I am absolutely thrilled to have a second little girl to love. Our sweet, gorgeous rainbow baby, the answer to every prayer, her birth has been incredibly healing emotionally for me.

Samantha Rose

8lb13oz, 20” with a 14 1/2” head!

Born on her due date, April 12th, at 5:55am