Vent on a confusing cycle


My doc said to stop tracking to reduce stress. That didn’t help, much. So I reduced what I tracked and when. Absolutely No bbt trends this month to track I was bad about it.

3/28, 3/30, 4/1 Clearblue solid smiley - (had an extra reader so did it once extra during a 48hr standby)

4/2 light cramping with a spot

4/4 (2dpo) sharp cramps on right side wound up in Er to confirm not appendicitis - I was constipated. They saw a small cyst (likely related to ovulation) on my left ovary so I’m just assuming I oed despite no bbt trend to confirm

4/9-4/12 (7-10dpo) very light rust colored cm which stopped

4/13-now (10-14dpo) super bad low low low back aches and cramps

I’m at a loss. I don’t know if I’m in or out, ovulated or didnt.

Now my bbt dipped a bunch before my expected period but I have no idea if this means I’ll start or it’s a fluke since I had no ID trends this month. Arghhhhggggg