Mobile home advice!

My husband and I are first time buyers. We’re thinking about buying an inexpensive but new mobile home and throughout the years make it look more like an actual house which would also help it be more sturdy. We’ve seen a few ideas here and there but I’m curious on how mobile homes are during ugly weather! We live in deep Deep South Texas so we get quite a lot of rain the first few months of the year and some strongish winds for us are 20-30ish mph. We currently live in a small RV so we can save up for our home. Ugly weather and living in an RV full time don’t go very well together so I’m curious how it is in a double wide mobile home. We originally wanted to build but it’s much more expensive and takes way more time to be at least move in ready. Anyone with a mobile home that experiences ugly weather that can help me get either convinced to buy a mobile home or not lol