Nervous, this may be the end.

🖤Mommy🖤 • ♥️Son-7/00♥️Daughter-9/04♥️Daughter-11/12♥️👼-9/15♥️Son- 8/16♥️Son- 3/18♥️👼- 4/19♥️👼- 5/19♥️ Son- 2/20♥️

My last HCG levels didn't double. They went up 55% in 48 hours. But didn't double 😞 I asked the doctor today if maybe it would have taken the 72 hours but she felt they should have doubled in the 48 hours. Im Not bleeding but having light pains on my left side. They are leaning towards ectopic but can't say either way yet because nothing is showing on ultrasound. I don't know what to think anymore. I go in for another draw to check my levels tomorrow but im honestly waiting to start seeing blood.

I feel like im out at the point.

Anyone go through slow rising HCG but continue on to have a normal pregnancy??