Finally my first doctors appointment


Today I went to my first doctors appointment! I was looking forward to this day to be able to make sure my baby is healthy this far!! After a still born at 5months pregnant and then a miscarriage pretty much right after that, I finally conceived again and am praying for it to continue to be healthy!! I found out today i am 8weeks and 6days giving me a due date of November 20th 2019! I’m looking forward to this baby and being able to hold him/her in the future!! It still looks like a blob a little bit but I’m excited to go in four weeks for the Down syndrome ultra sound to make sure all is ok and see the babies features up close!! 😍 also congratulations to everyone who has conceived this year!! I hope all who are pregnant now have beautiful and healthy pregnancies! And for those who are still trying, don’t give up your time will come especially when you least expect it to happen!!