What is considered “rolling?” Regarding swaddling?

L 💕✨ • 🌈 💚 Momma to Nora 01.15.19 | Baby Brother coming 11.17.2022 🐻💙

Baby girl is 3 months old and just in the past few days I have stopped swaddling with her arms in. So far this is not working great for us because she is waking up constantly (like every hour sometimes at night and you can forget naps).

She is not rolling completely over independently yet. She will roll from her back to her side and back again and she tries to roll from her tummy as well (because she hates being on her tummy lol). But she can’t roll all the way over yet. So can I go back to fully swaddling her?? Her startle reflex is still happening and I think she just feels like the crib is so big without the swaddle (flails her arms and legs, etc).

What can I do? I am next level exhausted and going back to work in 2 1/2 weeks!