Twins!!!! 😬😲

LaNette • 💔💔💔💔🤰🌈🌈

So this morning I woke up to sharp pain on my right side. I’m 5 weeks pregnant with a history of 4 miscarriages and 0 children. So naturally I freaked out. I called my doctor and was able to get in for an emergency ultrasound. The first thing visible on the ultrasound were 2 sacs. “Twins” the doctor said.

As of right now they look normal, but it’s so early there isn’t much to see.

Oh and also, I have cysts on both of my ovaries. The one on my right ovary is pretty good sized and the way it’s on my ovary is causing the pain. Apparently the cysts are normal and will go away on their own.

They were likely caused by the Clomid. I knew there was a chance for twins with Clomid, but I never thought it would happen to me.


I’m a little freaked out, nervous, anxious and in major shock right now!

Currently accepting donations and positive thoughts.