11 days late and negative HPT

Hi ladies so this is my first time posting and I'll apologize in advance that I really cant get a hang of all the abbreviations. So heres my situation - I took myself off of the nuvaring Dec 2018 after being on it since about 2014. I am trying to conceive (age 30)- I have been <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> and baby dancing accordingly. Prior to birth control I had long periods about 8 days in length and irregular. The worst it ever was - didnt get it for about 2 months then I had my period straight for 3 months all of this while being on and getting off of the pill around the age of 21. At that time I wasnt trying to conceive and I had called my physician and she stated that I was probably fine and I was most likely "getting my period without the bleeding". Since being off of the nuvaring my period has slowly become irregular again with my last 2 periods being 4 days late and my cycles being about 32 days. My periods have lasted about 4-5 days. For the month of April I am currently 11 days past my period start date. I took a HPT 4 days after my period didnt come and it was negative then again today just to double check as I still haven't gotten my period and again negative :( - such a let down. This cycle I'm on day 41 currently. I had cramping on and off and up and down in intensity before this missed period as well as currently. I have had some stress recently but no more than normal. I have had no fluctuations in weight and I am taking no meds aside from prenatal vitamins. Has anyone had a similar situation? Did you see your physician and if so what if anything did they test for or what was the outcome? I really dont want to just get the same response of basically no response from my doctor and she previously told me she wouldn't test for fertility issues until I had been trying for a year. Has anyone had testing of their fertility and at what point was your doctor ready to do so as I would like to be as proactive as I can, I know I am just starting my journey of trying to conceive and it can often take a year or more but i just want to be ahead of any potential problems. Thank you for your time and responses!