His ex wife went too far. UPDATE!

Danalynn • 1 angel baby Cat mommy 💏🐱

When my boyfriend was younger he admits now he made mistakes. Meeting a girl off tinder, and marrying her before even getting to know her. They seperated and didnt speak for a while, she went off to live life and he went off to live his. He did all of this in his early twenties, hes 28 now. I'm 5 years younger we went through pokemon go and he introduced me to my now best friend who was his girlfriend at the time. They didn't work out for many reasons but ended on fair terms. My now boyfriend and I kept the friendship we formed and eventually it turned into us dating. Before we started dating though I told him he had to grown up and file the divorce from the woman he had been seperated from for 6 years. If he ever wanted to see us get together. Because I wont date a married man. So he files and it goes through. We start dating and move into together. The only deal he has to pay her for spousal maintenance, no big deal. He works and if hes at work when it's due he has me send it. Heck I've even sent money to her from my pay checks before because it landed on his unpaid week. I'm paid weekly. No big deal hes not screwing her over which I refuse to let him do. Fast forward we had car issues. Had to have a professional work on my car, well he mechanic screwed up and connected something wrong and my entire motor ended up blowing. I'm finishing up my home health aid training so not getting paid my full amount and needed a car. Dumped our emergency fund into fixing my old car and then had to turn around and take out a loan and buy a new car. My boyfriend calls the courts and says I cant make spousal pay this month, I have to put a down payment on a car mine got destroyed if I pay her this month I cant get to work to make a paycheck. The judge was understanding he said just catchup next month, it was the end of the month. So he calls her and informs her there will be no pay because our only running car went down and he needs it for a down payment on me a new car that the judge was sending her a notice. She tells him it's fine shell just survive off one of her six child support incomes. And she says I hope you guys get this figured out thank you for being honest with me on the situation. Great fast forward, to a week later. I got to drop my boyfriend off to get on the boat, he works on the barges on the river, and the union has shut down all boats. So he calls the judge up again, hey were shut down, I cant make the payment union closed everything down. The judge again super understanding. Okay pay it when you can pay it, life happens. You're always good on your word. So may paycheck goes to the car payment and gas and a little on our house. He calls her again and explains, again shes okay with it six child support checks. We just got everything back into place and him a couple full paychecks and us caught up. To the point our last 10 dollars went into my gas tank. He calls her and says I will pay you everything I owe you my my next paycheck, which is two weeks away. She says okay awesome. He let's the judge know judge once again tells him okay I knew youd pay her. Well fast forward a couple days ago. She calls demanding money and he tells her no I told you and the judge I'll pay you on *insert date he said* she says whatever and hangs up. Go to the next day, she calls him and does the same thing he ignores her this time and she starts blowing up his phone. He ignores her. Fast forward to the next day, I worked an over night and needed to sleep and she knew this so she informs him that she is going to blow his phone up until he answers. He puts his phone on silent so he can lay in bed and cuddle while I sleep. We wake up and she has called and texted a total of 120 times. I told him he needed to be honest with her about everything when it came to the not sending spousal pay. So he was, he told her when they filed since she wanted to file in her state that required pay to her that he would agree, he told her when the car broke down that he relied on me driving because she got his license taken from him. He even told her it wasnt her business but since she told him about her many different partners while they were only separated that he wanted her to know even though they were legally divorced that he had a girlfriend, that way she didnt hear from someone who saw on Facebook. He appologized for them not being right and told her he hoped she found the right guy someday and that they were young and dumb. Hes been nothing but adult about it, but what blew me away was this was her response to him saying I told you the day I'd pay you. I had to choose my car payment over your pay this check. Over the phone she said nothing them sends him this.

**** note name blacked for reasons.

Also spousal rape never happened. Hes explained what shes talking about, my boyfriends habit it being big spoof and sometimes he puts his hands down pants or in underwear subconsciously he did that to her while they were married and she didnt want it but never moved his hand or anything knowing he has a habit of doing that. So now shes considering it rape.

UPDATED: so she called him again today, while hes gone for the week at work and he didnt answer. Her new text excuse that he sent me screenshots of was that he shouldnt have paid our car payment that my car needs repoed so she can have her money because shes sleeping in a dumpster. His response, ya let's repo the only working car so you can never see another damn dollar a day in your life from me. I get rid of her car I dont go to work you dont get your money. Contact me at work ever again and I'll find a way to turn this in my favor and fight the court order. You'll see your money on the day I told you and the judge. Say another word about my girlfriend and I'll get you for harrassment. He went on to tell me that she started commenting on how he was going to ruin me and mess up and.never have a family because all he does is date money grabbers.