How can I fix things

My partner and I have been together for 6 years now we have a 1 year old and I'm currently 5 months pregnant with baby number 2...

Weve lost all meaning to our relationship. We barely spend any time together, we dont talk, weve got to the point where any form of intimacy just feels forced and awkward, I've even taken to sleeping in a different bed to avoid having sex just because he wants to. I don't enjoy the sex, I go through the motions to prevent an argument or because I feel like that's what I'm supposed to do. Afterwards I feel used and even worse than I did before, we dpnt cuddle we dont talk we just roll over and go to sleep.

I dont know how to get back to where we were before, I dont know when, why or how we have let it get like it has. Sex is a fundamental part of a relationship and were lacking all that intimacy a couple should have.

What can I do to get our relationship back on track again x