Am I overthinking it??

Me and my brother had an apartment but my boyfriend just recently moved in. since he’s been here, the only times he’ll be with me are when he wants to have sex and wants to go to sleep. After sex, he’ll get up say he’s going to the bathroom, won’t be back till later in the night. He doesn’t leave the house besides work and he gets only 1 day off and will say how he wants to spend his off days with me but will spend probably a half hour with me. From waking up we usually have sex then poof. It honestly makes me feel like he doesn’t want to be around me. Today he was upset cause my brother is locking him out the room (only cause he’ll go in his room to play the game while he’s sleep) & he’s mad about it so he had no choice but to come back. He kept ranting about how bored he is cause he can’t do anything & even took 2 pm advil’s to try to go to sleep cause he’s “so bored”. I’m like wtf as if i’m not here and i can’t entertain you. i told him if it’s that serious i can leave you alone in here and i’ll just find something to do then he gets attitude with me about why would i say that and i tell him it’s cause he acts as if being around me is really that bad. I don’t do anything for him to feel as tho i’m annoying or maybe i am and just don’t realize. i don’t expect him to be up under me 24/7 but I want to feel like I have somebody besides my brother. I’m just thinking too much into it i guess. idk if it’s really that but it’s weighing heavy on my mind currently.