Husband Vent


I just had to vent as I feel like I’m about to explode with anger , which makes me feel totally guilty for stressing my baby .... I’m 37 weeks prego and having a tough day. For some reason I am feeling very irritable and have no patience. I told my husband when I got home from work that I apologize and I’m feeling this way.

Well, he proceeds to do one of my biggest (non prego) triggers, ask me how to do something , I tell him and then totally disregard what I said. So of course I got annoyed and yell that he needs to do things for himself from now on. Why ask me if you do your own thing anyway!

WeLL... that’s when he tells me “You gotta stop acting like this , I can’t take these hormones!” ... that pushed me over the edge... I have been soooo happy in my pregnancy , never complained even on days I was feeling so sick ... never send him out for cravings ... this was literally the first day I have felt so on edge myself and he is going to complain he can’t take it!

So now I’m up in my room and can’t even think about seeing his face ... ugh