Should I tell her

I’m going to try to explain this as best as I can. It’s going to be long so just bare with me. I’m just not sure what I should do. I watched kids for a family for about 2 years & of course got really close with them. Their mom (who is only 10 years older than me) had to move across the country because of her job, so she asked me to come with them. She has 2 children from a previous marriage and she is currently married to the father of her third child. He was here with us for awhile but is currently deployed. She introduced me to some of her friends & they come over a lot. We all do things together & hang out. Well I started talking to one of them a lot. He is her supervisor, which was weird enough to being with. But things escalated & we started really talking & the conversation turned sexual, but it was only through text. So he called me one day & was just explaining that if anything happens between us, no one can find out, especially the kids’ mom. I agreed, because I didn’t want things to be weird or awkward. We had a long conversation about how we would just keep it to ourselves. So we go back to texting & he eventually tells me that him & the kids’ mom already hooked up. That was almost crossing the line for me. So I asked him what their relationship is. His exact words were “we’re not official because of the situation (her being married) but we’re more than friends.” I ended it there. After I found that out, I told him nothing can happen between us. Now my question is, do I tell the kids’ mom? I don’t want her getting hurt in the long run, but at the same time they’re not technically together so does it matter? My other worry is what if she finds out about the way we were talking. I don’t want her to think I’m hiding something from her. We’re not best friends, but we’re pretty close. I just feel like I got put in a bad position (I know it’s partly my fault.) But she also got involved with someone she works with while still being married.

*Just want to clarify they have been having issues in their marriage for the past year