Baby moon frustration


My SO decided it would be a great idea to stop wasting our money paying so much in renting Our own place and moved us (including my 5 year old) into 2 bedrooms. Where not only his mother lives but also his sister and 90 year old grandma 2 months ago so that we can buy a house by the end of this year.. which we still pay a significant amount of rent to his mom, just not as much as our own place 🙄 it was not a pleasant time in our relationship because we don’t see eye to eye on it.. but I shut my mouth and moved on. It’s not fun, let me tell you. Always someone home, his mother in everyone’s business, family fights between the mom and daughter at 11pm, the grandma fracturing her pelvis because she was drunk and fell in the middle of the night.. that’s right 90 and still getting wasted (you go grandma 💁🏼‍♀️) anywho.. I told my SO all I wanted was for him to plan one last getaway for us alone before baby girl comes. Well, he’s a golfer and figured what a great opportunity to getaway to a popular golf city.. fine by me I’m still getting the heck out of dodge for a few days! Well I assumed he would invite a friend for the day to golf since it’s about an 1.5 drive from where we live and it’s typical for them to do that just for the day. After all my conversations about wanting time for US before she comes he seriously debates inviting his friend and his gf for the whole weekend! I told him I don’t mind them coming out for the day to golf but I really just wanted to spend some time together before it’s no longer just us when our baby girl arrives (my 5 year old is with us 60% of the time) plus we’re never alone in our living situation. I just wanted a little time. I told him we just aren’t on the same page about it and now it’s just an awkward topic I don’t even want to deal with anymore. 😭 pregnancy hormones ya know? Anyways, I’m crazy probably but I wish he felt the same way I did about spending time together