Well, it’s officially time for the RE 😣


So I came off of BC in August and have not ovulated since. We’ve been TTC the whole time... my OBGYN recommended a reproductive endocrinologist back in January, but we sort of held out hope that my body would go back to normal. Well, I finally got my period again, and I was stupid enough to get my hopes up. I started OPK testing and got a false positive surge last month immediately followed by prolonged, early bleeding. Then, this month, I “ovulated” again according to the test, but of course now I’m bleeding again (period ended less than a week ago and here it is again). I’m definitely not pregnant, and what’s so sad and breaking my heart is that I feel like it just should not be this way!!! I’m 22... everything tells me this is when it should be EASY to get pregnant. What a joke. Anyways, my husband held me while I sobbed for 30 minutes and we agreed it’s finally time to admit we need help with this whole baby-making business. I’m scheduling my appointment tonight... please pray for me! I just want my body to work!